Keep Calm And Carry On
Keep Calm And Carry On: Good Advice For Hard Times by Ebury Press. <span id="freeText15828799888649721361">Keep Calm and Carry On was a World War 2 government poster discovered in a dusty box. Though it never saw the light of day in 1939 (it was only supposed to go up if Britain was invaded), it has suddenly struck a chord in our current difficult times, now we are in need of a stiff upper lip and optimistic energy once again. The book is packed full of similarly motivational and inspirational quotes, proverbs, mantras and wry truths to help us through hard times, from such wits as Churchill, Disraeli and George Bernard Shaw. Funny, wise and stirring - it is a perfect source of strength to get us all through difficult days. 2009 edition, Hardback.
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