Highland Cathedral USB
The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards pipes & drums accompanied by military and ceilidh bands. Enjoy some of the most popular Scottish themed music with video footage from the worlds premier military pipe and drum band. 1.Highland Cathedral 2. The Last Of The Mohicans/The Gael 3. 2/4 Marches 4. Amazing Grace 5. The Rebel Piper 6. Steam Train To Mallaig 7. My Heart Will Go On (Titanic) 8. Strathspeys & Reels, On Evil 9. The Castle Walls 10. Waltz Set: Murray's Fancy 11. 4/4 Marches 12. Erin's Green Shore 13. Will You Go Lassie Go 14. Medley: The Banks Of Lee 15. Ceilidh Set: Atholl Highlanders 16. Absent Without Leave 17. Hornpipes: The Walrus 18. Braveheart Trilogy 19. Jig Set: The Gold Ring 20. Scotland The Brave/Heilian' Laddie 21. Amazing Grace The Fling
£ 13.99
£ 13.99